Brand Name: LISM
Appearance: Modern Style
Appearance: Traditional
Appearance: Scandinavia
Appearance: Modern Morocco
Origin: Mainland China
From the brand
position: relative;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container > div {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
The sizes need to be set again on the absolutely positioned elements so they can take up space.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container {
height: 625px;
width: 100%;
max-width: 1464px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
overflow: hidden;
This centers the carousel vertically on top of the hero image container and after the logo area (125px).
Margin-top = (heroHeight – cardHeight – logoAreaHeight) / 2 + logoAreaHeight
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-row-inner{
margin-top: 149px;
Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
All cards must have the same width. The carousel will resize itself so all cards take the width of the largest card.
The left margin is for leaving a space between each card.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-card {
width: 362px;
margin-left: 30px !important;
/* styling the navigation buttons so they are taller, flush with the sides, and have a clean white background */
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right {
padding: 0px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-button-image,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image {
border: none;
margin: 0px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-button-image .a-button-inner,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
background: #fff;
padding: 20px 6px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-left .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px;

Who are we?
Simply put, we sell furniture but our mission is to create spaces that inspire. We believe that every space whether it’s for home, work, or play should reflect you and bring joy.
We’re the experts in all things furniture. Our brand and designs represent our desire to break away from the standard mold and help our customers.
Are you ready to join the Walker Edison family?
“Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love.”
-Nate Berkus
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Product Description
Create a homespun look in your living area, family room, or kitchen with this space saving storage console. Fully equipped with open shelving and side cabinets for all of your media, dishes, or accessories. Made with high-grade MDF for a sturdy structure you can rely on. Small hardware details are shown throughout, from the hinges and corners of the piece to the cabinet handles. The country, cottage design gives this console a rustic, modern farmhouse style that will enhance your home décor and give your living space a charming feel.
#productDescription h3 {
margin: 0.75em 0px 0.375em -1px;
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